Em abril, o Third Term (Terceiro Termo) saiu na ATD Magazine (Revista ATD), na seção de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão. A ATD (sigla em inglês para Associação para o Desenvolvimento de Talentos) é uma organização de filiação profissional que apoia empresas no mundo inteiro, focadas em desenvolver o conhecimento e as aptidões de seus funcionários.

A edição de abril trouxe o nosso curso Workplace Harassment (Assédio no Trabalho). Nosso curso foi criado com o uso dos mais modernos recursos educacionais e audiovisuais, no intuito de auxiliar pessoas a atingirem seu potencial pleno, melhorando seu ambiente de trabalho e habilidades interpessoais.

Leia o artigo abaixo! (Inglês)

While not a new concept, inclusivity and tolerance have become especially prominent topics in workforce training. Technology opened the door for seamless collaboration between people across the globe. Recent events, however, have highlighted a gap in how the workforce has been equipped to manage it.

This constantly shifting environment requires training that teaches empathy and imbues a level of understanding in a learner that becomes part of their behavior both in and out of the office.

So how do we train individuals to read a situation or another person and then equip them with the tools to both acknowledge their own experience biases and to see beyond them?

Let’s take a look at just some of the methods we’ve incorporated into our Workplace Harassment course.

Branching scenarios. The most obvious route is to present a learner with real-place scenarios, walking them through examples of commonplace conversations and occurrences. How do you respond when things get awkward or uncomfortable? Most anyone can pick the “correct” response from a list of options, but how do you adapt when the scenario redirects you to the “most often chosen” route?

Role playing. Let’s take the scenarios one step further. Imagine an interaction between a bully, a victim, and a bystander. By exploring these relationships from the point of view of each individual, we’re able to better understand the context that drives behaviors.

Self-assessment. Through our interactive quiz, you’ll explore how your thoughts and choices are driven by your own experiences. How inclusive are you, really? Can you identify whether harassment is present in a given situation?

Contact us to see these methods, and more, in action. info@thirdtermlearning.com

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